How to Secure a Job in a Post-Covid19 World

With the extensive disruption, 25% more workers may need to switch occupations before Covid. Some jobs may have already been obsolete. The new norms of remote work made traditional models commercially unviable. McKinsey reported executives to expect to reduce office rental and business travel by 30% and 20% respectively.

Yet every crisis can be an opportunity. Although the pandemic crippled traditional industries like travel, hospitality, and F&B, it also gave the tech industry its rise to prominence.

Is your job at risk of being obsolete? Looking at how to stay competitive in the job-hunting landscape in Singapore? Here’s how to secure a job in a post-Covid-19 world. Read on to find out what skills and approaches are relevant and in-demand.

7 Tips to Secure Jobs in a Post Covid-19 World

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1. Become Effective in Virtual Networking

Now that remote work is the predominant way of life, professional and industry events of all sizes have shifted to online formats. With safe-distancing restrictions in place, expect to conduct your career on virtual terms for the near future.

Harvard Business Review recommends 90 minutes per virtual networking session with a maximum of 8 participants. You want to make the most out of it within the compact period. What skills are needed for successful virtual networking? How do you work on your body language? How can you convey sincerity through a single lens on your laptop?

2. Build Authentic Relationships

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Successful networking is about building relationships. No one starts their conversation with “I need a job.” Drop the formalities and start with a more personal greeting.

Relationships are a two-way street. Start by asking what you can do for others. Make a list of the possible things you can do for people in your network. Perhaps recommending one connection to a key expert for their project or sharing with them the exclusive resource you have access to. Small things like these can jump-start your networking.

Growing your network authentically requires patience. The connections you initiate can create new opportunities over time. Go in with modest expectations that someone gets back in a week or less. Don’t rush the process or aggressively push for an actionable follow-up. Invest in nurturing these relationships.

3. Actively Engage In Conversation

Zoom fatigue is real. People tire out more easily from video meetings than physical meetings. How you interact with them over the screen can mean a world’s difference. Here are some tips on how to engage with others virtually.

  • Position The Camera
    Like with physical interactions, people would prefer to interact with you face to face. The other party should not be looking up your nose or speaking to your side profile. Place your camera well to ensure others would look directly at you during the conversation.
  • Maintain Eye Contact
    People can tell when you are distracted. Your wandering eyes would have already betrayed you. When on video, you are likely to spend the most time gazing at your face and looking at pop-up notifications. Avoid this by hiding yourself from view and closing other background apps.
  • Engage with Your Body
    While you may be holding this conversation in the comforts of your own home, your appearance still matters. Sitting upright and dressing appropriately signals respect given to others for their time. Also, show that you are following the conversation by nodding or responding every few minutes.

4. Be Culturally Sensitive

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Cultural sensitivity and awareness greatly value-add to your conversations. There have been huge efforts in advocating for inclusivity in the workplace in recent years. Forbes found that companies with diverse ethnic and cultural representation outperformed their competitors by 36% in profitability. As such, more inclusive events have been organized corporately.

As with most virtual networking, you may receive an introduction brief on the people involved before the session. Be intentional in finding out about their background, including ethnicity and culture. Note potential contentious topics to avoid unnecessary misunderstandings.

5. Acquire Cross-Industry Skills

45,600 expected layoffs could spell trouble for the retail, food and beverage, and recreation sectors. No one can afford to be complacent; given today’s circumstances. Even established businesses have to pivot to stay afloat. As an individual, acquiring complementary skills that allow you to move up the ladder or to a growing industry is crucial.

6. Get Transferable Skills

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What are these in-demand skills then? Glad you asked. They are relevant skills that allow you to take on new or redesigned job roles within the same or adjacent industry. For example, a hawker chef can be trained to be proficient in using digital technology like delivery and payment platforms. Enabling him to secure orders and expand his reach.

Aim to learn skills that are transferable across industries. You’ll benefit from the increased flexibility and wider range of jobs to choose from. Digital marketing is a good example of a useful skill across all industries. MySkillsFuture offers a wide array of heavily subsidized courses that are taught by accredited instructors.

Covid has accelerated digital transformation processes across various industries. Regardless of job seniority, over 75% of job requests received calls for adequate digital competencies. More importantly, roles requiring digital skills pay 29% over those roles that do not.

For example, big data, cloud computing, artificial intelligence, the Internet of Things, and blockchain have gained greater prominence over the past 2 years. As experts in these domains are in high demand, companies are generous in their remuneration package for them.

A Google Blockchain Engineer can make as much as $175,000. Amazon is currently looking for a Digital Currency Product Lead, amongst a host of other blockchain-required roles. Other tech giants like Facebook, IBM, and Microsoft are also offering similar packages.

In Singapore, Zoom, Twitter, PayPal, Tencent, and Alibaba have increased their stake here with a record $17.2 billion invested last year, producing more than 19,000 jobs. ByteDance is actively recruiting with more than 340 jobs posted for engineers and senior management positions. While Zoom is hiring hundreds of engineers for their upcoming R&D facility.

Position yourself by attending Blockchain Business Models and Machine Learning courses online, taught by top US universities – Duke University and Stanford University. Thanks to its 100% online format, you can plan your lessons around your current schedule and learn at your convenience.

Looking for job openings that match your profile, connect with our consultants at Trust Recruit for a personal session.


It is now a necessity to be adept in skills that are transferable and future-proof. Possessing such skills will make you stand out from the crowd. It will put you in good stead to move forward with the future. Start exploring those platforms now, as you gain relevant skills that help you to stand out among other applicants.

Require some professional guidance to navigate the next step in your career? Connect with us today. Our consultants will get back to you at the earliest convenience possible.