Recruitment and Talent Acquisition: Understanding the Difference

Recruitment and Talent Acquisition. These terms are often used interchangeably. Understanding their differences will allow you to make better hiring decisions.

Reports show recruitment difficulty is 67% – up from 52% in June 2021. As the workforce becomes more competitive, organizations are looking for ways to stay ahead of their competition.

It’s crucial to know the difference before filling a role. Recruitment and talent acquisition are two different strategies that work together to help you fill roles at your company. Recruitment is focused on finding candidates and attracting them to your open positions, while talent acquisition focuses on assessing their qualifications and deciding whether they’re a good fit.

Let’s take a closer look at recruitment and talent acquisition to understand how these strategies work in the hiring process.

What is Recruitment?

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Recruitment is the process of identifying, attracting, interviewing, selecting, hiring, and onboarding new employees. This involves assessing staffing needs to fill open positions within an organization.

Recruiters typically work with a variety of different tools and techniques to identify and attract potential candidates for a given position. This may include job postings on online job boards, networking events, using social media to target talent, finding passive candidates, and employee referral.

Once potential candidates are identified, they are typically interviewed and evaluated by a team of recruiters or hiring managers. Finally, once an appropriate candidate has been selected, they are successfully hired and onboarded into the organization and their corresponding department.

When Is The Best Time To Do Recruitment?

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1. You Require Certain Skill Sets

According to Monster’s latest research, 41% of recruiters reported that the biggest challenge they face in screening candidates is assessing their skills during the interview. Recruiters use interviews to determine if the candidate possesses certain skill sets like:

  • Technical skills such as programming or data analytics, software proficiency, technical writing, and project management, or
  • Soft skills, such as leadership and communication abilities, problem-solving skills, critical thinking, time management, and interpersonal skills.

Whether it is a strategic need for an organization or an immediate opening due to turnover, recruitment serves as a way to attract the right candidates for these roles.

2. Filling Immediate Vacancies

According to LinkedIn, 10% of employees leave their jobs within the first year. When employees leave their jobs for any reason, whether it be to retire or resign on short notice, recruiting will help an organization find and hire replacements quickly.

When you hire, you already have a specific idea of what kinds of skills and abilities you need. You also have an idea of what kind of tasks the employee will perform and what kind of background experience the position requires.

3. Focus on Current Company Needs

A third reason why organizations do recruitment is to meet their current company needs. It can be divided into three types:

  1. Planned recruitment can be used to fill open positions as a result of organizational changes, such as when employees retire.
  2. Unexpected recruitment is used to fill positions because an employee left to pursue other opportunities, retired early, died, or was injured.
  3. Anticipated recruitment is used to fill positions by looking at trends in your external environment (for example, there are a lot of young people graduating from college who would be good candidates for your company or you have several employees who have been in the same position for a long time)

Effective recruiting requires executing repeatable processes that will lead to reliable results that contribute to achieving sustainable business goals. Hence, to find a valuable candidate, you require sophistication to think outside the box to find your ideal candidate.

What is Talent Acquisition?

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Talent acquisition refers to the broader process of identifying, attracting, and hiring top talent for an organization.

Unlike recruitment, which focuses on filling specific open positions, talent acquisition is a more strategic approach that involves identifying talented individuals who may be a good fit for the organization at a later date.

This can include creating long-term strategies to attract and retain talent, as well as implementing targeted recruiting campaigns focused on specific talent pools. Many organizations also use sophisticated analytics tools such as:

  • iCIMS Talent Cloud
  • Greenhouse Talent Acquisition
  • Breezy HR
  • Jobvite
  • Roho Recruit
  • SAP

These tools help them identify and source potential candidates, as well as optimize the hiring process to improve their success rate.

When Is The Best Time To Do Talent Acquisition?

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1. You Require Niche Talent

One reason why organizations may engage in talent acquisition is to find individuals who possess niche skills or competencies. These industries and their corresponding job posts deal more and more with technology, such as cybersecurity, cloud infrastructure, software development, AI, and Virtual Reality.

By focusing on acquiring top talent across a range of areas, organizations can ensure that they have the necessary skills and expertise to achieve their business goals and succeed in today’s competitive market.

2. Addressing Changing Business Needs

Organizations may focus on talent acquisition to address changing business needs over time. This may involve identifying talented employees who can help the organization navigate any challenges that may arise, such as market shifts or new trends in the industry. Tina Unnikrishnan research believed that some of the new trends include remote interviewing, working on a contract basis, and the application of artificial intelligence to enhance methods of sourcing.

By building a strong talent pipeline and having access to top talent, organizations can be better prepared to respond to and take advantage of these changes when they happen. They will be able to:

  • Save time in actively recruiting
  • Get to know candidates if they will fit in the company’s culture
  • Potential candidates will have a higher probability of wanting to be part of your team
  • Higher retention rate

3. Attracting Top Talent

Finally, many organizations engage in talent acquisition to attract and retain top talent. This involves building strong relationships with potential candidates to establish a pipeline of high-potential employees. You can also use advanced recruiting tools and strategies such as social media campaigns like lead generation ads, and employee referrals.

By offering competitive rewards and benefits, organizations can differentiate themselves from competitors and attract the best and brightest employees to join their teams. 80% to 90% of talent change their minds about a role or a company based on candidate experience. Thus, the company has the power to win or lose out on great talent.

Recruitment VS Talent Acquisition – Which Should You Focus On?

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In conclusion, talent acquisition helps attract and retain top employees over time. Your organization’s goals and the current competitive landscape determine which approach you take to attracting and retaining top talent.

Recruitment is an unbent process that involves searching for specific contenders to fill specific positions. The main function of recruiting is to look for talent based on the requirements of a particular job opening.

With the help of Trust Recruit, you can feel confident that your recruitment process will be simple and straightforward. Trust Recruit from understanding the needs of every organization to the employee’s first day of work.

Work with the Trust Recruit team, contact us today.